
Supplements for Eye Vision & Pregnancy Health
  • DHA 250mg
  • EPA 75mg
  • Lutein 10mg
  • Zeaxanthin 2mg,
  • MCT Oil , Mixed Tocopherols
  • Support vision development and eye health recovery, improve dry eye syndrome and lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
  • enhanced levels of both Zeaxanthin isomers at the same 5:1 ratio

One in 10 children in Malaysia has an undiagnosed vision problem: Study

According to a study which involved 1,287 children, 12.5 per cent (161 children) of them suffer from visual impairment, and 61 per cent of the 161 children have bilateral visual impairment.

Ophthalmologist Dr Sunder Ramasamy, who was involved with the study, said it showed a relatively higher impairment rate among Malaysian children compared with those of other countries.

Claimed New Study

Using Smartphones Increases Risk of Dry-Eye Disease

The BMC Ophthalmologystudy assessed 916 Korean children between the ages of seven and 12. The children were given eye exams and 6.6 per cent met the criteria for dry-eye disease.
97 per cent of those children revealed they used smartphones for 3.2 hours a day on average, compared to the 37 minutes a day by 55 per cent of children without any symptoms.
International Journal of Ophthalmic Research

Blindness and low vision in Malaysian

The most common causes of blindness and low vision are cataract, refractive errors, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and retinopathy of prematurity. A variety of treatment is available ranging from spectacles, contact lenses and low vision aids to surgical treatment such as corneal transplantation and osteo-ordonto-keratoprosthesis. Vocational and navigation rehabilitation will help these people to learn adaptive techniques and skills that let them maintain an independent lifestyle and improve their quality of life.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation During Pregnancy

The DHA concentration is high in retinal and brain membrane phospholipids, and it is involved in visual and neural function and neurotransmitter metabolism.2 During the last trimester, the fetus accrues about 50 to 70 mg a day of omega-3 fatty acid, DHA. Both maternal DHA intake and circulating DHA concentrations are important determinants of fetal blood concentrations of DHA. Babies accrue DHA into the CNS up until about 18 months of age.

Benefits of DHA and lutein during pregnancy

DHA (the acronym for docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid, is one of the building blocks of the fetal brain and eyes. Therefore, including DHA-rich foods, such as recommended fatty fish, during pregnancy is important.
During pregnancy, DHA is transferred to the baby through the placenta and accumulates in the baby’s brain and eyes, especially during the third trimester, when there is significant brain growth. After he is born, the baby will get DHA through breast milk or infant formula. DHA supports the normal physical development of your baby’s brain, eyes, and nerves. While Health Canada has not published official recommendations for the amount of DHA pregnant and lactating women should consume, they are encouraged to include at least 150 g of cooked fish (see Health Canada. Food and Nutrition – Prenatal Nutrition Guidelines for Health Professionals – Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. 2009) every week because they contain omega-3 fats and other important nutrients.

Food and Nutrition-Prenatal Nutrition. 2011

Health Effects of Carotenoids during Pregnancy and Lactation

Some studies indicate a correlation between carotenoid status and lower risk of pregnancy pathologies induced by intensified oxidative stress.
Carotenoids have been well studied in relation to their beneficial role in the prevention of preeclampsia. It is currently hypothesized that carotenoids can play an important role in the prevention of preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction.

Dietary Intake of Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin are not produced by the body and their specialized locations and functions emphasize the need to consume all three macular carotenoids through diet or supplementation. Lutein and RR-zeaxanthin are found in dark green leafy vegetables and yellow to orange fruits and vegetables, while RS-zeaxanthin is found in fish such as salmon, sardine and trout.
Given that the average US dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin is far below levels shown in research to be beneficial (less than 2 mg lutein and 0.5 mg zeaxanthin), supplementation may be a more viable approach to maintain optimal levels of all three macular carotenoids to support visual health.

Lutemax2020: Award-winning & Globally Recognized

Award-winning, globally-recognized Lutemax2020 is a naturally-derived marigold extract providing all three macular carotenoids—lutein and enhanced levels of both zeaxanthin isomers (RR-and RS [meso]-zeaxanthin)—at the same 5:1 ratio as found naturally in the diet. This unique combination of lutein with zeaxanthin isomers makes Lutemax2020 a convenient, cost effective way to boost the benefits of your eye health formulation.

Available Exclusively at Caring Pharmacy in Malaysia

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